Design and Build 0KM #6

Design and Build 0KM #6

Bolsa de Estudo Learn Bi0n – Só para residentes em Portugal

Scholarship Learn Bi0n – Portuguese residents only


Faz a tua inscrição  até 25 de MaioRegista-te aqui!

Enviando uma carta de motivação e portfolio (facultativo).

Make your application until the 25th of May: Register here!

Sending a motivation letter and portfolio (optional).


(A viagem, estadia e alimentação estão incluídas/The trip, housing and food are included)

Milan bion

Organized by ARCò, from June 4th until June 29th 2018, Design and Build with Økm (Local and Recycled Materials) in a real context, prototyping a 1:1 object for the development of new activities of the local community.

The workshop will take place in the south of Milan in Casa Chiaravalle, that is a place confiscated from the organized crime that in the next future will become a reception center for immigrants.

The aim is to create a physical and theoretical space for a discussion on the local sustainability exploring the potential of alternative and low cost building techniques.
Why local and recycled materials? Mainly for the necessity of a responsible use of natural and unconventional resources, putting into value and respecting local architectural tradition and culture and looking for appropriate techniques with little processing or
transporting and low environmental and economic costs.
The workshop will be a four-week training and a hands-on experience. A balanced process between theory and practice will approach in detail the different materials
and the earthship techniques. The most important topics of this training are: How natural or recycled materials can be used in building; Properties of some natural and
recycled materials; Building with Earthship and Earthbags techniques – their principles, uses and forms, types of structures, finishing, types of coating, maintenance.

More info in English here

Ulteriore informazioni in Italiano qui